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Meeting Minutes July 26, 2018


The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 7:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Those present by phone were: Scott Woogen, Gregg Trotto, Amanda Jackson, Betsy Brown, Charles Robbins, Terry Kibler, Anne McDonald, Debbie Warnick, Mike Pearson, Dee Lineweaver and Jeb Hannum

MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the previous Board of Directors meeting held on May 17, 2018 were approved as written.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report as of June 30, 2018 was reviewed and approved as written.


Item 1. Race meet items

a. The draw schedule will be Wednesday for Saturday, Thursday for Sunday and Monday. The draw for Friday will probably be Tuesday, but we are waiting on verification about the days needed to print programs. These are the draw days set by the VRC.

b. Cathy Rutherford will fill the position of paddock judge. Ernest Taylor will be our track blacksmith. Amanda Bulatko will be the racing secretary assistant.

c. Preference for stalls on the grounds will be first given to Virginia residents. Second preference will be given to horsemen who have raced at Shenandoah previously. After the racing application deadline has passed, Debbie will compile a list of all applicants and they will be reviewed by the board for approval.

d. JD has been working on the track. Lime will be applied to it during the next week. JD will be working at the track a couple of days each week as necessary to get the track in shape for racing first at the fair and then for our meet.

e. The tractor and water truck have been gone over by JD and are in great shape. We will be leasing a starter car from Clarence Martin and will use the Cadillac as a back up car. JD is doing some work on the starting gate so it will open more smoothly.

f. The USTA has seven double seat jog carts that we can use during our meet. They are currently stored at Mark Ford's farm in New York. Terry Kibler will contact Mark to see if he can bring them down for us.

g. It was discussed that the double seat jog carts be used to allow stretch rides, jogs around the track, etc. for visitors. It was moved and seconded that any trainer that allows their horse to be used for these activities by paid $50.00 by the VHHA. The motion carried unanimously. We will need to purchase helmets and vests to be used for these events.

h. The purse amounts will be $50,000 per day for overnight races. We will use the same template as last year to set the individual race purses. Virginia Harness Horseman Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 26, 2018 Page Two

i. Greg asked Dee to talk to the race secretary at Ocean Downs about the classification system they are using there and determine if it should be used here. Dee will contact him as well as a few other tracks that use the system for their input on how it is working out.

j. Jeb reported that the race meet application will be presented at the VRC meeting on Tuesday for formal approval. All information has already been submitted to the VRC and there should be not problem with the approval.

Item 2. HHYF Open House Debbie and Dee reported that the plans for the HHYF open house on September 8th are progressing well. Registration opens on August 1st. Registration is being handled by the Parks & Recreation department. The event will feature six different stations for the participants to do that help them learn about standardbreds. The VHHA will be providing lunch for everyone. Volunteers are needed for the day.

Item 3, Owner for A Day races Scott will contact Darrell Wood to work out the details on how often this race will be run and how participants will be selected. As this was all the items relating to Dee and Jeb, they disconnected from the call.


Item 1. General Meeting The date for the VHHA general meeting was set for September 22, 2018 following the last race of the day. It will be held in the Lilly building. There are three board member seats that will be open for election. Scott Woogen, Amanda Jackson and Betsy Brown asked to be place on the ballot for reelection. Debbie will post a notice asking that anyone interested in being placed on the ballot submit their name.

Item 2. Virginia license fees Greg started a discussion about the cost of license fees in Virginia. It was moved and seconded to ask the race commission to cut these fees in half. Motion carried unanimously. Greg will present this to Dave Lermond.

Item 3. HHR machines regulations Scott explained the proposed regulations for the HHR machines and the VEA position that these regulations need some changes. These proposed changes have been submitted to the VRC for review. There will be an opportunity for public comment at the VRC meeting on Tuesday. Virginia Harness Horseman Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 26, 2018 Page Three

Item 4. HHR revenue Scott discussed how the possible split of the HHR revenue will be handled. All income from the machines is dispersed to the VEA. It is then divided by the VEA between all the member groups. How this division will occur has not been decided. It was moved and seconded that we hire Joe Faraldo and his assistant Alex, to negotiate with the VEA to determine how this money should be split. The motion carried unanimously. Scott pointed out that since Joe is not licensed in Virginia, we will need to hire a lawyer that is licensed in Virginia to represent us in any potential legal action that may result because of the negotiations with the VEA. He has been in contact with some lawyers that could possibly represent us. It was moved and seconded that Scott hire someone to fill this need. Motion carried unanimously. There was discussion concerning Mike Pearson and his lobbying efforts on our behalf. Scott believes that it is very important that we remove the cap on the amount of hours Mike can work so that he may get more support for us. The motion was made and seconded to allow Mike to work as much as he feels necessary. Motion carried unanimously.

Item 5. Increase in VRC financial support to VHHA Scott will contact Dave Lermond to discuss an increase in the amount of financial support that the VRC gives to the VHHA. In light of the added legal expenses related to the HHR machines, we will exceed the amount originally requested.

As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Warnick Executive Director

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