Horses eligible for the Sired Stakes program after the May 15, 2024 payments can be found by clicking here
Virginia Sired Stakes Program
Starting with the breedings of 2022 (foals of 2023), Virginia will now have a Virginia Sired Stakes program. You must breed to a stallion registered to stand in Virginia for your foal to be eligible to this program. A complete list of stallions can be found on the stallions tab.
This is an overview of the program. If you have any questions, please email or call Debbie Warnick.
Paid in fee schedule would be $25 as a yearling and $100 each in March, May and starting fee as a two year old and a three year old.
Bonus payments for foals that meet qualifying times & dates as outlined in the Sired Stakes rules-
Stallion owner- $1,500
Breeder- $1,500
If the mare and foal remain in Virginia for the entire foaling year an additional bonus of $1,500 will be paid to the owner of the mare during the foaling year. To be eligible for the Mare's Bonus, mare owners must submit a Mare's Bonus Declaration form to the VHHA by January 31st of the foaling year. The form can be found here.
Bonuses will be paid one time as either a two year old or three year old. The bonus is paid as long at the foal meets the qualifying times and dates as specified in the rules. The foal does not have to compete in the eliminations or finals to collect the bonus.
Races will be run based on age, sex and gait as two year olds and three year olds
Eliminations- $6,000 purse
Finals- $60,000 purse
All bonuses and purses are subject to change based on available funds.
Virginia Incentive Programs
There are several incentive programs in Virginia for foals to participate in. A brief description of each program can be found here. Rules and forms for each program can be found on the individual tabs on the website.