The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 6:30 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Those present by phone were: Scott Woogen, Greg Trotto, Betsy Brown, Anne McDonald, Wilma Foley, Charles Robbins, Stacey McLenaghan, Randy Jackson, Tyler Shehan, Jimmy Viars, Dee Lineweaver, Jeb Hannum, Darrell Wood and Debbie Warnick. A quorum was declared.
MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the previous meeting, June 2, 2020, were approved as written.
Item 1. Race Meet Purses
Jeb reported on what the committee had determined about possibly dropping the betting at the race meet this year.
The VRC would not be involved in the race meet at all. The USTA would be the governing body for the race meet.
The VEA would have to manage and pick up the cost related to testing and judges. We have located a company associated with the PA fairs that could handle the testing. These costs would be approximately $35,000.
The approximate savings by not having to pay fees associated with betting would be $135,000. The net savings of $100,000 would be applied to the purses.
We would only be eliminating betting by the spectators. All other aspects of the race meet (ie security, qualifying, paperwork, rules& regulations) would remain the same.
After much discussion, it was moved and seconded to proceed with eliminating betting from this year’s meet. The motion passed unanimously.
Item 2. VEA Assistance
Jeb will submit a request for the VEA to provide an additional $100,000 towards the purses.
Item 3. Fair meet post time
The fair has proposed possibly changing the post time for the fair races to the evening. The pros and cons of switching were discussed. It was agreed that the post time should remain at 12:00 pm.
Item 1. Whipping rule change
The VRC has proposed a change to the whipping rule. After discussion, it was agreed to investigate the rules in other states to see how they compare. Tyler Shehan will forward the rules for Ohio and Kentucky to Debbie for distribution to the board for review. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
Item 2. Breeders Fund Race Dates
The Board has been asked to possibly move the dates for the Breeders Fund races to the end of the race meet. There was much discussion about whether this could be done since the dates are already published. It was also discussed about not conflicting with Maryland and Delaware breeders races if possible. Debbie will compile a list of these dates for distribution and review. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Item 3. Next meeting
The next meeting will be held on July 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie Warnick
Executive Director