The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Those present by phone were: Scott Woogen, Greg Trotto, Betsy Brown, Charles Robbins, Anne McDonald, Wilma Foley, Jan Nofsinger, Darrell Wood, Jeb Hannum and Debbie Warnick. A quorum was declared.
MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the previous Board of Directors meeting held on February 7, 2019 were approved as written.
Item 1. Certified Residency Program Rules The certified residency program rules were reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the program rules and procedures as written. The motion passed unanimously. Debbie will post information on our website and Facebook page as well as mail to all members. Darrell is putting together a press release to be distributed.
Item 2. 2019 Race Dates There was a lot of discussion on when we should start our race meet and what days we should race. Pros and cons for racing on Fridays instead of Sundays were debated. The final decision, pending approval by the Virginia Race Commission, was to race on Fridays and Saturdays starting on September 13th and continuing through October 13th. We will race Breeders Fund eliminations on a non betting card on October 6th and finals will be raced on October 13th. Post time on Fridays will be 3:30 pm, Saturdays will be 2:00 pm and Sundays will be 12:00 pm. It was moved and seconded to accept this schedule. The motion passed unanimously.
As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Warnick Executive Director