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Virginia Incentive Programs


There are three programs in Virginia for foals to be part of: Breeders Fund, Sired Stakes and Certified Residency. While it is possible to qualify for two or even three of the programs, being part of one does not mean that you are automatically part of any of the others. Each program has its own rules and forms that need to be submitted. This is a brief description of each program. More details and all forms can be found on our website, Contact Debbie Warnick at 443-463-0917 with any questions.

Breeders Fund

This is the mare based stakes program that has existed in Virginia for over 25 years. Races are held during the foal’s two and three year old seasons. The current purse for the legs of the elimination races is $8,000 each. The current purse for the divisional finals is $80,000 each. There are also races for four year old and up with a current purse of $20,000 each. Registration must be done as a yearling followed by payments as a two year old and as a three year old. Entry payments are due at time of racing.

There are several ways to be eligible for this program.

1. Foal in Virginia and the mare and foal remain in Virginia for six consecutive months in the year of foaling. A Mare Declaration form must be submitted to the VHHA by January 31st of the foaling year. The VHHA must be notified when the foal is born for the six month time frame to start.

2. Breed to a stallion registered to stand in Virginia. If you breed to a Virginia stallion, the foal can be foaled anywhere. There are no residency requirements.

3. If a mare is 100% owned by a Virginia resident when bred the foal is eligible no matter where it is foaled. There are no residency requirements.

4. If a pregnant mare is bought at public auction 100% by a Virginia resident, that foal is eligible no matter where it is foaled. There are no residency requirements. Copies of the auction receipts must be submitted to the VHHA.

Sired Stakes

This program was started with the 2022 breeding season. Races will be held in the foal’s two and three year old seasons. The anticipated purse for the legs of the elimination races is $6,000 each. The anticipated purse for the divisional finals is $60,000 each.

To be eligible for this program a mare must be bred to a stallion registered to stand in Virginia. The foal is eligible no matter where it is foaled. There are no residency requirements. Registration must be done as a yearling followed by payments as a two year old and as a three year old. Entry payments are due at time of racing.

Certified Residency Bonus Program

This program was started with the foals of 2019. It is not part of the Breeders’ Fund or the Sired Stakes programs. Foals that are part of this program earn points when they race as a two year old and again as a three year old, no matter where they race. At the end of each calendar year, these points are added up for all horses that were part of the program and a dollar figure is assigned to each point. Once this process is completed bonus money is awarded to the owner of the horse at the time it raced.

To be eligible for this program, a foal must reside in Virginia for six consecutive months before January of it’s two year old year. Physical inspection of the foals will be done periodically during the residency period. A Certified Residency Bonus Program Registration form must be submitted to the VHHA before the foal’s six month time can start. Foals that are not in compliance with the requirements will be removed from the program.

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1 Comment

Arthur Lisi
Arthur Lisi
Jun 25, 2023

This is why I love Virginia. Can’t wait for the fair!

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