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November 5, 2018


The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 6:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Those present by phone were: Scott Woogen, Greg Trotto, Betsy Brown, Charles Robbins, Terry Kibler, Anne McDonald, Tyler Shehan, Wilma Foley, Debbie Warnick and Mike Pearson. A quorum was declared.

MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the previous Board of Directors meeting held on September 29, 2018 were approved as written.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report as of October 31, 2018 was reviewed and approved as written.


Item 1. Race Meet

There was a lot of discussion about the race meet. It was decided that overall the meet went well. There are some things that the board feels could be improved upon for next year. Some of the items were: more Friday race nights, have the announcer to talk to the crowd in the grandstand more between races, simulcast our meet to other areas, possibly use other camera angles, bigger screen for the infield, cleanup the infield so it looks more appealing on camera and possibly advertise on the fences in the background.


Item 1. Barn/stalls

There was discussion concerning building a barn and/or permanent stalls for us to use. Terry will forward the names and numbers of the fair grounds committee to Debbie. She will reach out to them and set up a meeting to discuss possibilities.

Item 2. Breeder’s Program committee

The breeding committee that was established at our annual meeting has submitted some suggestions for changes to our program. This was reviewed and it was agreed that some changes to the language needed to be made. These changes will be made then redistributed to the board for a vote at the next meeting.

Item 3. Certified residency program

Scott explained how the thoroughbred certified residency program works. He then read the letter that was submitted to the VEA requesting that a program similar to this be set up for Standardbreds. It is expected that the VEA board will vote on this at their next meeting.

As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Warnick

Executive Director

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