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Meeting Minutes February 7, 2019

The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 6:15 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Those present by phone were: Scott Woogen, Greg Trotto, Betsy Brown, Charles Robbins, Anne McDonald, Tyler Shehan, Wilma Foley, Jan Nofsinger and Debbie Warnick. A quorum was declared.

MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the previous Board of Directors meeting held on January 15, 2019 were approved as written.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report as of January 30, 2019 was reviewed and approved as written.


Item 1. Certified Residency Program Rules The certified residency program rules as typed by Debbie were reviewed. The following changes were discussed. Debbie will make these changes and send the corrected paperwork to the board members to review. The question was raised about doubling of the points for Breeders’ Fund races held in Virginia. Motion was made and seconded that we double bonus points only on overnight races held in Virginia. Motion approved unanimously. Discussion was held on how to identify foals participating in the program. The motion was made and seconded that sucklings will be identified by their broodmare who must be tattooed or microchipped. Weanlings will have to tattooed or microchipped to participate. Motion carried unanimously.

Item 2. Certified Residency Program Administration It was agreed that Debbie will oversee the marketing and administration of this program. She will work with JD Davis to ensure that all participating foals are checked. It was moved and seconded that Debbie’s salary be increased to $40,000 per year, retroactive to January 1st . Motion approved unanimously.

Item 3. Shenandoah County Fair Races Scott reported on the meeting that was held about racing at the fair this year. The VHHA is assuming the duties that were previously handled by Terry. It was agreed at the meeting that we will race four days. There will be a maximum of five horses per race with a maximum of eight races per day. The total purses for the four days will be $48,000. We will attempt to solicit donations from sponsors for these purses. It was moved and seconded that the VHHA will provide funds to cover whatever purse amount is needed up to the maximum $48,000. The motion carried unanimously Scott advised the board that due to an event the fairgrounds is hosting between the fair and our race meet, that all horses must leave the grounds by Sunday, September 1st . Virginia Harness Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 7, 2019 Page 2


Item 1. 2019 Race Dates The race dates for this year’s meet were discussed. It was agreed that Friday racing worked well last year and that we should have more Friday night races this year. It was also agreed that we will continue to have ten days of betting races and two days of non betting races. Debbie will find out the race dates for Running aces, Tioga Downs, Red Mile and Meadows. We will then look at what our start date will be.

Item 2. Legislature Update Scott provided an update on the various bills concerning casinos and sports betting and how they could possibly affect us. The VEA is actively working to ensure that any bills require horse racing to receive a percentage of income.

As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Warnick Executive Director

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