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Board Meeting Minutes February 17, 2020

The meeting was called to order by president, Scott Woogen at 6:00 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Those present by phone were: Scott Woogen, Greg Trotto, Betsy Brown, Anne McDonald, Wilma Foley, Charles Robbins, Stacey McLenaghan, Randy Jackson, Dee Lineweaver and Debbie Warnick. A quorum was declared.

MEETING MINUTES: The minutes from the previous meeting, January 21, 2020, were approved as written.

TREASURER’S REPORT: The treasurer’s report for January 2020 was reviewed and approved as written.

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to be discussed.


Item 1. Coupling/Uncoupling of entries

A. It was discussed and agreed that we will request the VRC change the rules regarding coupling entries. We will bring this up at the next VRC meeting.

Item 2. Lasix vet

A. There was a lot of discussion about getting an outside vet to administer Lasix. The state vet does not scope horses or do routine exams if needed. Having an outside vet do the Lasix would allow an independent vet to be onsite. It was agreed to go to the VRC again this year to see if this change can be made. Debbie will request that Dave Lermond add this to the next VRC meeting agenda.

Item 3. Breeders’ Fund Race Dates

A. There was discussion about when the Breeders’ Fund eliminations and finals should be held this year. We have been asked by the VRC to schedule the finals so that they can be more of an event in front of the public. The increase in the number of horses in the program will allow many of the races to be on a betting card. It was moved and seconded that races be held as follows: Three year old eliminations will be held on Sept 19th. Two year old eliminations be held on Sept 26th. The finals will be held on Oct 3rd (Autumn Fest weekend) The motion carried unanimously.

B. Since the Breeders’ Fund races will be held on a betting card on Saturday, there was some concern that this would take away a day of overnight racing. It was moved and seconded that we add an eleventh day of pari mutual racing to be held on Sunday Oct 4th. Motion passed unanimously.

Item 4. HHYF day camp

A. HHYF day camp will be held on September 19th this year This will allow the attendees to have more exposure to the horses and the people involved in the sport. It was agreed that Mike Pearson will extend an invitation to the legislative people to invite a youth from each of their districts to attend. The VHHA will pay for any registration cost associated with these youths.

As there was no further business to be discussed, Scott Woogen adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Warnick

Executive Director

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